Digital Doodle

Parametric Design, Architectural Design

Admitted to UPENN, Columbia, USC, RISD

Gentrification and displacement are happening simultaneously in the process of rapid urban economic development. The Roxbury area is the most recent example of gentrification in Boston. Roxbury used to be a Puritan settlement, and now it is one of the largest existing Black neighborhoods and the center of the Black community in Boston. Outside developers' occupation and reconstruction of public space deprived Roxbury black citizens of their right to use public space.

The project aimed to study how to balance the competition and integration between the existing architectural attributes and the new design when the church is adaptive reuse as a public building. The church itself has substantial public attributes and spiritual cohesion. A church is a place where people pray and ask for help. The adaptive reuse of churches should preserve the general character of the building itself. This project took inspiration from the mural featuring the black community and designed a future community center incorporating affordable housing. This community center not only adapts to economic development to increase the community's attractiveness, but it also meets the public use needs of the community and preserves the black community's cultural heritage.


Haoming Zhu

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